Scientific Competition
Topic: C2SIM Extension to Unmanned Autonomous Systems (UAxS)
The goal of this contest is to contribute to the C2Sim extension to Unmanned Autonomous Systems (UAxS) being developed by the Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO) C2Sim Product Development Group (PDG). The C2Sim is a interoperability language between Command & Control (C2) systems and simulators in the framework of the military application of Modelling & Simulation (M&S) technologies. It is a synthesis of the previously developed SISO Standards Military Scenario Definition Language (MSDL) and Coalition Battle Management Language (C-BML) for initializing and executing operational scenarios. At the moment a core of the Logical Data Model (LDM) is being developed by the SISO C2Sim PDG, but several extensions to different military functional areas are planned in collaboration with the Science and Technology Organization (STO) of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). This contest is focused on the C2Sim extension to Unmanned Autonomous Systems (UAxS).
Development/Task for the candidates:
The candidate should propose a solution for the C2Sim extension to UAxS, in the form of an extension of the C2Sim LDM (in terms of new entities, attributes, type of messages, type of data, etc.), in the same format used by the SISO C2Sim PDG (i.e., OWL) and a set of C2Sim messages (in XML format) in order to develop and execute an autonomous systems scenario/demonstration.
For the MESAS17:
- A paper/report of up to 6 pages on the work developed;
- A 20-minutes presentation of the paper/report;
- Demonstration (optional, but strongly recommended) on a simulator (preferred choice are MASA SWORD, VT MAK VR-FORCES, although other/own solutions are also welcome) and a C2 system or a software platform able to visualize a simulated military scenario – push a C2Sim order and receive a C2Sim report updating the scenario visualized.
Winner of the competition:
- Receives immediately 500 EURO and time to deliver the complete solution.
- Delivery of the complete source code, demo program and libraries – 3 month after the MESAS17.
- Based on fulfilling the requirements, MS COE will pay additional 2500 EURO to the winner.
Software tool and sources or documentation available to read and edit the C2Sim model are:
- Protégé: open source and widely used. Link:
- TopBraid Composer: Commercial, multipurpose software; Link:
- Fluent: Basic editor: Free for personal and academic use. Link:
- Neon Toolkit: Multipurpose editor; free and open source. Link:
In case of any additional question, please do not hesitate to ask MESAS17 Competition Point of Contact:
Capt (OF-2) Fabio Corona, ITA A
Concept Development Section Chief,
Concept Development & Exprimentation Branch
NATO Modelling & Simulation Centre of Excellence
Piazza Renato Villoresi, 1
00143 Roma RM, Italy
Tel.: +39 06 4691 4373
Fax: +39 06 96914299
Mobile: +39 366 7578461